Open up your heartache
and let in all the lies
keep on searching for love
until the tears run dry
You don't know why
your heart never heals
traveling between heartbreaks
on the back of ideals
You're just waiting for the clouds to part
and for a rainbow to light the way
Yet the skies are forever gray
You tell yourself
that everything is o.k.
Another guy wasn't good enough
and tomorrow is another day
looking around
so lost and confused
not knowing where to go
or what you're supposed to do
You're just waiting for the clouds to part
and a rainbow to light the way
Yet the skies are forever gray
You look into a mirror
that you're too scared to touch
fourteen years of this
is thirteen years too much
looking for another bed
to rest your raging mind
though your eyes remain wide open
your soul still wonders blind
You're just waiting for the clouds to part
and a rainbow to light the way
Yet the skies are forever gray
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i loved this i feel this way the clouds never part and i want to see this rainbow i hear so much about but until the day of 8/5/04 i have found this rainbow this love that i have longed for my one and only darkjoker
Dearest raven!
Oh hello my dear! I happen to come across this lyric and a painting came into my head… alas i wish I was a good painter but im not perhaps one time I will be able to paint what I want and see in this lyric! untill then
look past the shell and into the eyes for that is where the soul lies
This poem got a nice rhythm to it. Good job b'y.
Another great piece of work Raven! It somehow reminds me of a song I used to listen to a while back.
Nice work. There is a typo though.
hey there this is an awsome lyric it like connects to my life. you have awsome poems and i look forward to more of your lyrics. keep writing man your the best. love yeah
i liked the poem whoever wrote it has such talent, you can in some ways connect and to feel what the author is trying to say and the feelings they are trying to express.
How do you know, how woman feels, how I try to forget, and how I can't…If he is dead you can't bring him back, all what you see is the clouds…Thanks
RavensRants is a really cool website that teaches you about how cruel and mean the world can be. And al of the poetry has meaning and truth behind them.
nice song cant wait for audio to come out with it
I like it, it's very strait forward and to the point; which makes it even sharper. Conveying a lot..
I like this… It is good.
its as though you kneww my life and wrote about it
i know this person u r talking about i see her everyday i know her well enough to know she is wanting som much more this girl u r talking about is me and that is truely hope i feel
tis is the most amazing poem i've ever read. it is so awesome. you rock.
Great work man….that really hits deep and I totally understand that….thanks for the privilage of allowing me to view that….keep up the great work….
wonderfuly somber
….whoa sad lyrics…
hey! that was great! i can totally relate to that. i love reading your poetry raven. it makes sense and it's all so original. 🙂 keep up the work!
I really liked this poem cuz I feel the same way. nothing will ever be ok til´ I meet my girl and I´m getting tired of being heartbroken.
I loved it it was cool.
i really like its really true
i love this! its the story of my life…
I like this poem, but the "rainbow" makes this poem 10 times better for me, due to the fact that i have finally found the person i want to spend my life with, and she is female.
Other then that the poem is written very well, i enjoyed it.
I like this poem, but the "rainbow" makes this poem 10 times better for me, due to the fact that i have finally found the person i want to spend my life with, and she is female.
Other then that the poem is written very well, i enjoyed it.
It explains soooo many peoples lives. And I definitely feel the rhythm. I love it!
how sad.. =<
Under same skies we die
We go
God, we rage these days
I'm one for complaint
No saint's told me how
to be
There are rainbows of knives
But we write our own lives
I am no reply to a frightened
little question in a mind bent
on more and more sad sackery
I get how most of you poetry and lyrics have your feelings woven into them. It makes me feel like I;m not insane when I right
Thanks for making everything seem a little less crazy
i luved it ! the audio is going to be great and i cant wait till it somes out! pleaz have it out soon! Raven ure such a good writer i wish i could be as talented to do people in my school dont understand the way i am amd no one gets me for me! well keep up the good work!
so many people find insparation in your work… i just hope you continue so you can lighten my life a little more. it was awesome but did you ever find the rainbow that you talk about or is that the point of the poem, to exaggerate the effect that the search is far greater than the find?
– a fellow shadow lost in the blindness of the light
That was the most poetic lyrics that I have ever sung to myself. I really enjoyed it. I give you my heart as a token of my gratitude. ERICA
Personally, I found it sad to think someone would waste their life waiting for a man. It's heartbreaking to me that people don't feel complete without another. Thus, they never find their true selves.