The Evil Stone

The grass is green
the flowers are pure
the trees are gentle
and the people are silent

My tears fall slowly
like silent raindrops
watering my precious earth
I raise my eyes to the stone

The evil stone, the stone of pain
towers over my green grass
the evil stone, the evil stone
with nothing but a name

The evil stone receives my tears
hears my sobs
hears me wail
for my son is whom you tower

The pure flowers comfort me not
O tragic day is this
my son, my son, my only son
is taken from me

I hug only earth
I kiss only grass
my son is gone now
he belongs to the ground

O what evil tortures
have rained upon me
the evil stone, the pure flowers
they pay now my respect

my son, my son, my only son
is gone from me now
I shall never see his smiling face
or hug him so gently

What misery is this?
the rain now pours
soaking me through
chilling me outside and in

the grass is green
the flowers are pure
the trees are gentle
but the people are not silent

Now they cry
now they cry the useless tears
they cry now, they cry still
but I cry too

The sky cries behind a veil of gray
the people cry behind somber faces
I myself cry behind the evil stone
and onto the green grass

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