
Walking down the streets of an ancient world
touching bricks covered in history
while following the footsteps of kings and queens
the feeling of home begins to settle in
and the past begins to draw near
like a previous act
of a play you're now starring in

It all comes together
walking down these foggy streets
passing under street lamps untouched by time
and by windows that have stared out on the world
since there has been one to be found
Everything makes sense
yesterday and tomorrow
next week and yesteryear

No matter the trials you face
and whether you quit or triumph
these walls will still be here
Even after you're gone
and just a memory to those who loved you
these foggy streets will play host
to those who want to follow kings and queens long gone
and even after you're forgotten
just a name in a dust-covered book
these windows will remember you
turning a forgotten heart into a piece of history
and an overlooked actor
into the most amazing theater ever created

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18 Responses to Yesteryear

  1. Christina says:

    Wonderful …

  2. Ivy says:

    I like this poem a lot. Then again, I like most of your poems, at least the ones I've read so far. I am fond of history and I adore the way the words were assembled. Bows.

  3. Matt says:

    I usually come here for the rants and the stories, but I like this particular poem. I prefer it to your more emotional work. The only thing I wasn't as keen on was the lines
    "like a previous act
    of a play you're now starring in"
    It just seemed a little wierdly worded. Kind of broke the flow.

  4. LaLoni says:

    Gorgeous. I fell into it like a dream. I could smell the words and places like a childhood memory. Thank you.

  5. paul says:

    Wow havent been here in awhile but the poems are really cool. This is a really cool peom

  6. april says:

    i admire you so much raven. you always seem to put your words into such beautiful poems. this poem made me think a lot. when i write poems they never come out as poetic as your work and for that i give you so much love. please keep up your work!!

  7. Raven says:

    Thank-you for your kind words

  8. vincent says:

    i like your work, if its actually classifyed as work to you. whatever it is its malignant within my mind….. in a good way 😉

  9. Nicole says:

    this is the first poem of yours i have read and its just fits so perfectly with alot thats been going on lately thanks

  10. Lacey says:

    I liked this one…I thought it was lovely. I can't quite describe how I feel about it but it touched something in me. You have such a gift weaving emotions with your words…this is one of my favorites. Very nicely done.

  11. windrider says:

    every poem i have ever read in this site, almost seems a picture of a feeling or thought i have once had. this poem is no different. Raven, your poems are wonderful, and inspiring.

  12. Shelby Wright says:

    I love all of your poetry. I am going to show one of my friends some of your work and let you know what they think of it. I write you some more when I get the chance to.

  13. Nubia says:

    Your poetry is beautiful I posted it on my site and made sure to put your name cuz well I could never write as wonderful as you do!

  14. melissa says:

    i love all your poetry you're a genius

  15. Yusuf says:

    geeeeeeeeeee….i even cant say a word of ur poetry, u r genius..i alwasy copy and paste ur poetry and with ur name in it off coz, so, i let them read it self such a great poetry like you are..keep up the great work…

  16. Amber says:

    I love your poetry it is wise ah i like it alot

  17. as ur blood tricles down my blue lips says:

    i wish i could write like u it seems we share the same interest anyways nice job great details and thoughts paints a vivid picture and makes u feel the pain u wrote about

  18. Robert Wells says:

    nice poems i like all of them….honestly the really do tell the truth about life and heartbreaks and love …..the past the present the future also….so how come people can't understand how we feel answer me that one….
    talk later…..Rob

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