You broke a thousand hearts
on your way to mine
you tore through a thousand lonely souls
and shattered a thousand dreams
before a twist of fate
brought you to my door
Now you've moved on
following the scent of loneliness
down a trail of desperation
to another victim
one who smiles unaware
just like I did in the months before
But time will be kind to me
as it is to most gentle souls
though we break like twigs
in the howling winds of today
the rains of tomorrow make us strong
and let us grow into a forest that can never be broken
You will remain hollow, empty and weak
even as I grow stronger
and some day love will find you
following the scent of your loneliness
and it will break you with ease
a rotten tree falling to a draft
So even as I cry for you
and nurse my broken heart
I offer no words of anger
nor carry any ill desires
For your fate is your own
and destiny spites you enough
while I'll miss you on lonely nights
I can not hate what I pity so much
nor condem that which has condemned itself
i was waiting fer a long time to read new poems from you and i am satisfied i really relate to this one i love your writings
Wonderful! Actually brought tears to my eyes as I read this. Glad to have you back!
This one very strongly relates to why i am the way i am now,shattered hearts will never be the way they were before they were broken, they will always remain shattered and held together with glue, left to beat with its missing pieces and love pouring out all over the place. i may only be 17 here now in this lifetime but have experienced so much already now and in times before,of wich i can faintly remeber in my dreams. sorry i am rambling again,Raven your poetry makes do that. thanks again.
Brilliant, Raven! Welcome home, dear friend. Thank you for not forgetting your fans or your home. Your heart still beats with the blood of a writer. Forget or lose that, you WILL be incomplete. I missed you.
all i have to say is wow! that was beautiful, i just cant get over how great of a writer you are.
I am a long time supporter of your site and I am Happy to hail your return, oh master, my master. I have an odd question and this might not be the correct way to post it but this poem reminded me to ask: Why don't you include punctuation in your poetry? Is it because you wish to leave it to the reader, or, do you find it bothersome and useless because you use new stanzas to signal the end of one line and the begining of the next? The reason that I ask is because I find that when I read them out loud I have difficulty finding a spot to breathe or pause for dramatic effect. As always I find that your work is le creme de la creme, and this piece is no exception. Your devoted student, Kevin.
its as if you see into my heart
again words that mimic my thoughts on dark nights when remembering a time long ago.
that was a lovely poem keep up the good work.
this poetry is quiet beautiful and glommy in a way that makes think about who you are were your going what you care about.
i really like this poem becuase thats alot like how i feel about my ex-boyfrind
Your work is so easy to relate to.
Hey Raven,
sorry to be an ass and point out that you spelled condemn wrong in the last line.
But besides that i wanted to tell you that this was a great poem. I recently went through a break up okay it wasnt recent it was in april. But i'm still not over the guy and he lives down my street. but this poem is exactly how he is. he went out with my friend a couple years back then my other best friend and then me and then tried to go back to my first friend. no matter how hard i try to hate him i can't thank you for capturing this feeling in your poems… i have read every single one and i'm sorry i cant post to tell you how much i love your poems everytime i read one. but keep writing and i'll keep my eye out for your poems. Because in every single on of your poems you capture a feeling i can relate to.
great poem. i can really relate … im a fan of your works though i never comment on them since now
its really inspiring… keep it up, im broken the same as this poem but i pity the girl … she never knows true love even it slaps her in the face . now she ends up lonely and unwanted cause of her doing.. how pityful, I became happy and strong but she rottens in disgrace and karma..
it waz ok it could have rymed a little more but it reminded me of a person i once knew very well and things happened similar to that.
LOVE and HAPPINESS will follow you all the way, and show you to DESTINY!
i really love this poem i just recently came across this site and just love it lol your poetry is amazin
Your words are amazingly expresive[spelling].i admire that your very passionate and your willing to show every one out there that . Your veiws on the world are unique and open and that makes you a very good artist in every sense.
Again your poetry speaks to me in ways my words cannot replicate. And (although I feel you've heard this many times before I feel the need)its good to see your return.
i've been lost the past couple months but comeing
back here seeing through your eyes makes me safe and feel at home again.
I am amazed to find that a poem, this poem, can give me strength. This very moment when I need to be strong, I stumble upon this and I find I can be. My words will not be able to show you how I feel but I will try anyway, you have given me strength when I have been lost, I am truly thankful. I've found myself again, here, in your words. It is not much: but Thank You.
This poem is an absolute success. I love it. 🙂
Wow. You nailed it.
wow!!!!!! that is gr8 i like this ne i sent this to my ex lol
very powerful,very powerful.The ending was killer.I really enjoyeed this poem.
omg that was so good i really liked it espeically the last part
it has to be the best one i've ever read.
i love all of your poems and this one a ton…keep it up and stay real
So very well said and with such great imagery.
wow i absolutley love this poem i have been a HUGE fan of yours for years i only have to read the beginning line of this poem to feel that shiver inside of me your poetry touches me so deep when will you have anything new?
it was very good not giddy like my friends write i hate it whaen they rite like that
i Love this poem and i dedicate it to a trinity s barnes… i hope one day he'll grow up and be a man.. i read your poetry all the tiem and absolutley love it..
dark,deep,and true
Absolutely remarkable… Will the true wonders of the world never cease to pop up before my very eyes? People put so much bias and ignorance around the world of poetry, especially gothic poetry. Raven, you always amaze me with your words. Keep putting up these incredible works of art and pretty soon you'll be on top of the literature world… I'd like to see you there; you certainly deserve it.
i love your poetry and i read it every day. you are the best poet i know of.
you are a really good writer. keep it up!!!
well i read this one, and like the one before it was awesome! i write poetry also, and i have a question to ask you when you write does it all just barrel out in a few seconds, on a whim of insparation or does it take time?
You poems like this one articulate in words the delicate nature of emotions we have or will feel at some time.
Thank you.